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Polynesian Ancestral Knowledge | Episode 4 - Tahitian Creation: Taʻaroa Makes the World
Polynesian Ancestral Knowledge | Episode 1: Introduction to Polynesian Ancestors, Stars and Temples
Polynesian Ancestral Knowledge | Episode 8 - Marquesan Creation: Ātea and Atanua
Polynesian Ancestral Knowledge | Episode 3 - Hawaiʻi Creation: Kumulipo, Papa & Wākea
Ta'aroa : The Creator God | Tahitian Mythology | Polynesian Mythology | Mythlok
Polynesian Ancestral Knowledge | Episode 2 - Measuring Polohiwa-a-Kāne: Summer Solstice
Tahitian Noni: "Origins and Destiny" 2004 EU UK Short version
Future Imaginary Dialogues: Lilikalā Kame’eleihiwa
8of8 Paradise Cove Luau
Ancestral Knowledge, ‘Opening The Mouth’ on Inconvenient Truth, Mende Kru A Sem Priest with Dr Nteri
The incredible start of a lecture at the University of French Polynesia.
ancient polynesian astrology, culture and society